
Visit with us on Thursday, April 17 from 8:30-9:30am as we share our 2024 Annual Report, and celebrate our outcomes and achievements this past year! Hear from Executive Director Carley Kammerer plus Wildflyer’s full Director team as they report on what’s next for Wildflyer and where community support is needed most.

Meet your neighbors, be in community, and enjoy some Wildflyer coffee and pastries on us!

This free event will take place at our Minneapolis location (3262 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis) - Register here!

Join us on Saturday, May 17 for a Maker’s Market at our Minneapolis shop! We’ll be inviting local makers, crafters, and creators to sell their work, with a proceed of sales supporting Wildflyer’s Work & Life Skills Training Program.

We are currently seeking vendors for this event–if you’re interested please reach out to anne (at) wildflyercoffee (dot) com.

This event is taking place at our Minneapolis location only! 3262 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis.