
Looking for tasty treats to share with someone you love? Stop by a Valentine’s Bake Sale at our Minneapolis shop on Friday, February 14 from 8am-2pm! We’ll be selling 2-packs, 4-packs, and half dozens of tasty treats from some of our favorite local bakeries! Vegan options and Gluten Free options will be available! All proceeds will support our Work & Life Skills Training Program.

Want to volunteer? We’re looking for individuals or pairs who would like to table this event for 1-2 hour shifts! If you’re interested email chelsea (at) wildflyercoffee (dot) com!

Thank you to our generous Sponsors:

Atuvava Bakery, Aki’s Breadhaus, Fruit & Grain, J Selby’s, gigi’s cafe, Lutunji’s Palate, Francis Burger Joint, Reverie Cafe, nikkolette’s Macarons, and Vikings & Goddesses Pie Company.

Be a sweetheart this month by donating basic-needs gift cards! Emergency gift cards help our cohorts with food, clothing, and toiletries when life challenges come up. Drop $25 or $50 gift cards (Cub, Target, Aldi, Walgreens, Lyft, or Amazon) in our special Valentine’s box at either shop.❤️

On Thursday, March 6 Utipels Brewing will host a Wildflyer Happy Hour from 6-9pm to kickoff their month of having Wildflyer as a Round-Up Partner!

All month long, you’ll be able to round up for us. And, on Thursday, March 6, it’s extra special, because Utepils is donating $1 of every pint sold to Wildflyer. See you there!